The Battle Reports Archive (hosting 5 battle reports)
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The High Elves


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Collecting a High Elf army

Battle 1
This is a small 1000 point battle which took place on the coasts of Ulthuan. A small lizardman warband stumbled across the high elf settlement of Tor Ista. The elves just managed to raise a small army to fight off the lizardmen. Below is my account of the battle. The scenario was a pitched battle.

High Elf border patrol (called to the aid of the defense of Tor Ista)
Cerion - High Elf commander on barded steed. Enchanted sheild, lance, amulet of fire, heavy armour, sheild.
Balthakar - High Elf level 2 mage on foot. Carries a dispel scroll and follows the lore of fire.
6 silver helm knights with standard bearer, champion, and musician. Lances, heavy armour, sheilds, and barded steeds.
20 spearmen with standard bearer, champion, and musician. Spears, sheilds, and light armour.
10 elven archers armed with longbows.
1 Tiranoc chariot with standard and scythes. 2 crew armed with spears and longbows.
1 repeater bolt thrower. 2 crew armed with swords and light armour.
Lizardman scouting party
Quotl-Olm - Saurus hero. Armed with sword and enchanted shield.
Aotl-Quen - Skink shaman on foot. Carries a dispel scroll and follows the lore of heaven.
Itl-Oal - Skink shaman on foot. Carries a dispel scroll and follows the lore of heaven.
Cohort of the turquoise newt - Skink warrior regiment armed with shortbows.
Cohort of the purple dragon - Saurus warrior regiment.
Cohort of the green python - Saurus warrior regiment.
Riders of the orange spider - Skink cold one riders.
1 salamander.

We played the game on a 6" by 4" table with woods to the east, and a low hill with a watchtower to the south east. In the centre of the battlefield was an elven hall. To the south east was a rocky peak, and to the west a small ruin. Another low hill was behind the ruin and east a bit. The mage set up on the rocky peak, with the archers and the RBT to his right. Further right came the spearmen and the silver helms led by commander Cerion. The salamander set-up on top of the north hill with the skink archers, and a unit of saurus and a shaman to their right, and another saurus unit and a shaman to their left. In front of the low hill was the saurus hero and the cold on riders.

The game started with the cold one riders in the center of the lizardman army failing their stupidity and standing idly around. The saurus regiment on the lizardman right flank advanced to the right of the ruin, with one of the skink shamans following them up the ladder onto the top floor of the ruin. The saurus regiment on the left flank slowly advanced towards the High Elves. The second skink shaman moved to the right in front of the hill. The skinks stayed put on the lower step of the hill. The shaman in the ruined building cast the comet of cassandora just above the archers, but failed to control it. The other shaman cast the thunder bolt of Uranons but again failed. The High Elf chariot sped the the left towards the saurus by the ruin. The spearmen and the silver helms headed towards the main lizardman battleline. A fiery blast from the mage fell short of the shaman in the ruin. The RBT let rip at the shaman, but the only bolt which hit failed to wound the little fellow. The main saurus regiment on the lizardman right flank turned 90 degrees left and started to move. They hoped to get round the elven hall and charge the High Elves in the rear. The saurus by the ruin halted to proect the shaman. The cold ones passed their stupidity and turned to face the spearmen, supported by the saurus hero. The shaman moves behind them to get out of the line of fire. Once again the comet of cassandora was attempted, and was cast on irresistable force. The shadow of the flaming meteor hovered just above the chariot. The other shaman attempted to cast the thunder bolt on the RBT but the elven mage dispelled it with his dispel magic scroll. The comet above the chariot continued to expand. The chariot swiftly moved out of the shadow of the comet, bringing it closer to the saurus. The soon to be doomed mage moved 2" forward to get in range with his spells but unfortunaltly it brought him a bit closer to the comet. The spearmen and the silver helms continued their advance, with the silver helms wheeling slightly to face the saurus. The RBT sacrificed its shot to get in better range of the saurus regiment. The mage attempted the fiery blast spell but rolled a double 1... no more spell casting for him this turn. And this dissapointment was not to be improved as the comet landed in front of him, slaying him instantly. The cold ones failed their stupidity test and rambled forward 4". The saurus regiment's rear attack foiled, they turned to face the oncoming silver helms. The shaman attempted the comet of cassandora again but it failed miserably.Despite losing their mage, the High Elves still managed to dispel the thunder bolt. The skink archers on the hill fired at the spearmen, but all the arrows failed to penetrate the tough Ilthilmar armour. The salamander spat his venom at the spearmen, slaying 4 of of them. The silver helm knights lowered their lances and charged the saurus regiment on the lizardman right flank. The chariot charged the saurus regiment on the left, while the spearmen charged the cold ones. The Rbt let loose a volley of shots and slew the shaman by the hill. The archers fired at the salamander and managed to slay two of its runners. The chariot struck the sarus like a thunderbolt, transfixing three of them on its scythed wheels. The saurus hacked at it with their scimitars, wounding it in return. The spearmen thrust forward with their spears, slaying three of the cold one riders, with all the elves surviving afterwards. The commander charged in, and killed two saurus on his diamond-tipped lance. The silver helms around him followed his example and removed five more saurus from the game. The remaining rank of saurus warriors brought down two silver helms and slew them with their cruel weapons. All the units in combat held, with the elves having the slight advantage. 3 spearmen lapped around the side of the cold ones. The saurus hero charges into the flank of the spearmen. The skink shaman cast the comet again and it started its descent above the archer regiment. The salamander spat at the archers, killing two of them. The chariot crew managed to bring down one of the sarus, but the saurus caused no damage in return. The last of the cold ones were slain and the saurus hero hacked three spearmen apart with his huge axe. The surus regiment on the lizardman right caused no casualties on the silver helms and the commander, who killled no saurus in return. The high elves one all the combats on the battlefield except the one involving the chariot, but fortunatley it held its ground, as did everything else on the battlefield. The comet landed, wiping out all the archers except one. He fired his longbow at the skinks, but missed. The charioteers brought down two more saurus, and the saurus hero killled another spearman. The commander drew his sword and gutted the saurus standard bearer. The banner swayed in the air for a moment, but it was clasped by the hands of eager saurus warriors. The chariot held once more despite the odds. The silver helms were outnumbered and out-ranked so they fled, just escaping the pursuers. The saurus hero fled and was cut down by determined elf spearmen. With the last dice being rolled, the game drew to an end. The result was a draw, with both armies crawling back to lick their wounds.

Aotl-Quen the skink shaman looked out over the battlefeild. His general was dead, as was his fellow shaman of the lore of heaven. Below him to the right the struggle between the saurus and the chariot continued. As he was the only lizardman with some sense of command left on the battlefield, he ordered his saurus and skinks to retreat back to the camp. With their general fleeing, the elves made no effort of pursuit, and gratefully threw down their spears and crept back to their homes.

  Battle 2 Battle Report, by Teclis.

The captain of the reaver knights stepped into the headquarters. "What is it?" asked
Thorandaril. "We have picked up the tracks of the Orc warband, Sir",he replied. Thorandaril
let out a sigh. He had hoped the Orcs would have got lost and starved, so that a fight was not
neccesary, but now, three weeks after the first sightings of the horde, they had been seen
again. "Very well." he said. He turned to the second in command and said: "Prepare the men,
we'll attack at sunrise." The officer nodded briefly and left the room.

This is a 3000 point battle between high elves and orcs and goblins.
The horde of the enemy consisted of 2 units of black orcs, 1 unit of wolf riders, 2 units of
night goblins, 1 unit of goblin netters, 2 doomdivers, 2 stonethrowers, a giant, 2 shamans
and a black orc warboss.
The high elf warhost was made up out of a unit of spearmen, white lions, sword masters,
silver helms, 2 chariots, 4 bolt throwers, 3 units of archers, 2 mages, a general, and a hero
on a great eagle.

The deployement was very typical. Warmachines and archers on hills, and the rest of the
army in front of it. We decided on a 5 turn battle.

Turn 1 -orcs

Well, the orcs got to go first, and passing their animosity, they moved towards my lines. Their
shaman attempted a gaze of mork, which the elven mage only had to look at to let it fizzle.
Then the other shaman attempted waagh. A sigil of asuryan did not only disspel it, but also
destroyed it. The stonethrowers shot, but their shots fortunatly missed everything but an
unlucky silver helm, who was badly wounded and couldn't go on fighting. One doomdiver
missed and the other misfired, cause the goblin did not release soon enough, and it fell apart.


The elves just put themselves ready for some charges, but otherwise didn't move. One mage
casted a thunderbolt and the other casted conflagration of doom, resulting in the deads of
a few black orcs. The bolt throwers added some more dead black orcs to the lot, but they
passed their leadership test. The archers took out the regiment of wolfboys, who were rapidely
advancing towards my flank.

Turn 2 -orcs

The Army went forward as one massive block, though they had been severly damaged last
turn. Their magic, again, hadn't much effect. They just got some rerolls. The stone throwers
were more lucky this time though. Two silverhelms died, and four archers fell also. The
remaining doomdiver killed some more archers, who barely held their nerve.


Seeing the orcs so close by, Thorandaril decided to charge. One chariot charged the giant,
doind 3 impact hits, wounding twice. The silverhelms charged one unit of black orcs.
The white lions and the other chariot attacked the other unit of black orcs, while the spearmen
attacked the netters. The sword masters set up for a side charge on the black orcs. And the
hero on his great eagle charged one of the stone throwers. There was only one problem, some
of the nearby night goblins had fanatics, as well as squig hoppers. They didn't do too much
damage, except on the spearmen, who's numbers were halved, but they didn't retreat. This brought
the sword masters in a though situation. The mages didn't do any damage this turn.
But the archers shot down some fanatics, and a squig hopper. They also shot off some night
goblins. The bolt throwers let lose at the night goblins too, who had so many deads, that they
decided to run. in close combat, the first chariot was able to inflict one more wound on the
giant, before being destroyed. The silver helms killed quite a few black orcs, but also got some
hits back. The white lions and chariot killed almost half of the other black orcs. They both
held their ground, because the general was nearby. The hero with the great eagle beated the
crew of the stone thrower, who fled and got cought by my winged hero. The spearmen
however were able t hold their ground even with the nets of the goblins over them.

Turn 3 -orcs

The night goblins charged the sword masters in the flank. The other night goblins just had the
courage to rally. The fanatics and squig hoppers (their riders were dead) ran through one of the
units of goblins, and one ran of the board. Anotherone killed himself. The giant missed his
charge and just syood in front of the bolt throwers. One shaman was locked in combat, and could
do nothing. The other's spell fizzled. Then the remaining stone thrower and doomdiver shot at the
silverr helms. The doomdiver misfired luckely, smashing the goblin in a straight line into a
tower. It wasn't destroyed though. The stone thrower hit the silver helms, but also a few black
orcs. They both held their ground. Close combat then. The night goblins couldn't do much against
my sword masters, so they lost combat, and ran, but the sword masters didn't follow. The spearmen
had it hard again against the netters, but they won. Even now, the netters held their ground.
The white lions and the chariot decimated the black orcs, while Thorandaril slayed their general.
The orcs could do nothing, and fled. The chariot cought them easily, and they were destroyed.
The white lions stayed where they were. The other black orcs beated the silver helms easily, who
fled, but the orcs couldn't catch them.


The eagle charged the other stone thrower. The silver helms rallied. The white lions turned to
face the other black orcs, and the swordmasters turned to face the netters. One tunderbolt from
the mage fried the goblin shaman. Two bolt thrower shot one dart at the giant, who was right
in front of them. One hit mortally wounded the giant, who fell down, but luckely didn't hurt
anyone. The remaining bolt throwers and archers shot at the recovered night goblins, who
were decimated beyond recovery. They fled in fear. Some of the archers also succeeded in
killing another squig hopper. The spearmen were defeated in combat, fled and were cought.
The hero on the eagle routed the crew of the stone thrower and cought them.

Turn 4 -orcs

The night goblins that weren't destroyed rallied. The fanatics and loose squig were running
around behind the lines. The netters turned to face the swordmasters and the black orcs turned
to face the white lions. The remaining Shaman killed a few white lions. The doomdiver fired
himself into the white lions, who took some more deads. That was about it.


Sword masters charged the netters, while the white lions and remaining silver helms charged
the black orcs. The eagle was also near, so he charged the black orcs too. The chariot stood
whitin charge distance of the doomdiver, because he followed the orcs last turn. Then the
combined powers of my mages raosted the flesh off the black orcs. Whit only one more target
to choose, the bolt throwers and archers let loose at the recently rallied goblins, and killed
all but one. one of the shamans was hiding in this unit, and was the only one thar still stood.
In combat the sword masters easily defeated the netters, who fled and were pursued, but not
killed. The combined might of the silver helms, white lions and eagle easily beated the black
orcs. They fled, and my eagle cought them. The chariot inflicted enough impact hits to destroy
the doomdiver.

Turn 5

The orc shaman saw that the fight was lost, and decided to save his own life, and left the
battlefield. The fanatics and squigs were easily taken care of by the remaining elves.

Thorandaril looked over the battlefield and was relieved. The orcs had been beaten, but at a
high cost. The entire Lothern spearmen detatchement was destroyed. Also the silver helms
had suffered heavy losses. But then, the entire orc horde was finished now. He tuched the axe
he had taken from the orc warlord as he had slayed it. He grabbed it and tosses it away in
the lake. He hoped this was the last time he had to fight this enemy.

I'll make this simple: This battle report is written by me, Teclis, and I do not want anyone to
publish it or any part of it as their own. My credits or this disclaimer or any other part of
this document can't be left out. Also, I do not want anyone to publish it without my approval.
Mail to . Any Any violation of my rights as an author will be persecuted
under the full extent of law.
I think this is clear enough.


Moranion - Elven commander riding barded steed wearing heavy armour and carrying a sword of battle and an enchanted shield.
Melanar - Lvl 2 High Elf mage on foot with a dispel scroll and a power stone.
25 spearmen with command.
6 silver helms with command.
12 archers.
12 archers.
1 Tiranoc chariot with standard and scythes.
1 RBT.
5 reaver knights.
(I didn't know the exact numbers and any of the magic items for the bretonians so this list might not be 100% accurate.)
Willfrid - Bretonian general on a pegasus, probably with a load of magic items.
Lvl 2 bretonian sorceress on foot with dispel scroll and something else (+1 dispel and power i think).
Roughly 14 archers.
Roughly 9 squires.
A lance of knights of the realm.
Some mounted squires.
Roughly 14 archers again.
High Elves: The chariot was on the far left, with some woods to the right with the reavers in it in a snaking formation. Then came some archers, an area of boulders, followed by the silver helms led by the commander and the RBT. To the right was a rocky peak, then the spearmen, the the mage and the rest of the archers on a hill.
Bretonians: One bowman unit to the left on a hill facing the chariot, then the squires in the ruin. Next came the knights, then the mounted squires, then an ancient monolith and the other bowmen on top of an elven hall. The sorceress was inside the ruin with the squires.
The game started with the Bretonians praying, giving the first turn to the elves.
All the High Elves except the archers advanced, with the reavers snaking through the woods. The RBT let loose at the knights, felling 2 of them. The archers on the hill shot down 2 more bowmen off the elven hall. In my first turn, admid the excitement, i forgot to do magic! Doh!
The Bretonians had no charged to declare, so the army held (a tactic which has lost my friend many a game). The sorceress attemted to cast father of thorn on the spearmen but a double one followed by a 7 brought the magic phrase to an end. The bowmen on the hill failed to cause any damage on the reavers, while the squires felled one of the horsemen. The bowmen on the hall killed 1 spearman with a swift arrow to the neck. With no combat, we proceeded onto my turn...
The chariot on the left flank charged into the bretonian bowmen, and the reavers charged the squires. The spearmen advanced towards the mounted squires. My silver helms advanced slowly. One more inch and they would be in charge range of the knights next turn. Sometimes silver helms having a 2 better on a march movement proves effective. The comet of Cassandora is cast by the mage onto the bowmen on the hall. The RBT attemted to shoot down some more knights, but as the bretonians had prayed, would be stunned on a roll of 4+. With that i rolled a 6... The archers did no further damage on the bowmen on the hall. The charging chariot crushed 2 bowmen under its wheels, with another being trampled by a horse. The bowmen lost the combat by 1, and fled off the board, pursued by the chariot. The charging reavers speared 3 squires on their lances, causing them to flee. The squires that did not flee off the board were run down by the eager young horsemen. Both the chariot and the reavers escaped the comabt unscathed.
At the start of the bretonian turn, the comet landed on the bowmen, crushing 3 of them (when this spell builds up over several turns and finally lands, the results can be devasting for both sides). With so many commoners dead, the bretonian general fled, rather than have his knights up against spearmen, silver helms, reaver knights, and a charging chariot.
The battle was quite humurous. I crushed the foe even before the knights got into combat, and for once the tide was turned by my reaver knights and a lone chariot! The bretonian praying rule can prove to be very effective, but obviously not in this battle (though if it wasn't for that i may of been able to pick off a few more knights). My opponent has a habit of staying back and shooting. With his lizardmen I suppose this is fine, but with his bretonians, well... I have a habit of charging forth and getting into comabt as soon as possible, you might think me to be an orc! My opponent also has a habit of admitting defeat, while i would never do such a thing. If you want to die, die fighting.

  Battle 4 COLD BLOOD
Antanar looked out across the battlefield. Opposite his army stood the Lizardmen of Slann Mage Priest Quizitec. Rank upon rank of cold blooded saurus warriors and nimble skinks, blood-frenzied cold ones, leather-winged terradons, and venom-spitting salamanders. Amid the Lizardmen sat Quizitec on a throne of gold, being borne by his best bodyguard of Temple Guard. Antanar turned to his advisor Serpent. It was going to be a tough battle this morning.
Antanars Border Patrol - A 2000 point High Elf army.
Prince Antanar - An elf prince riding in a chariot. Antanar wears heavy armour and carries a shield and longbow. He is armed with the battlespear Cloudcleaver (+1 Strength and D3 extra attacks when charging.)
Serpent - A level 2 mage of the lore of fire carrying a dispel scroll.
Ascarnil - A white lion commander on foot.
Aethenor - A mounted commander carrying the army banner.
7 Silver helm knights.
2 Tiranoc Chariots.
25 spearmen.
12 archers.
2 Great Eagles.
2 Bolt throwers.
10 archers.
6 Ellyrian reavers.

Quizitec's Warhost of Lizardman Defenders
Quizitec - A level 3 Slann of the lore of heaven, probably with some magic items.
A skink Shaman of the lore of heaven.
A skink hero on a cold one.
5 cold one riders.
Roughly 14 saurus warriors.
Roughly 14 more saurus.
Roughly 18 skink warriors with bows.
Roughly 18 more skinks with bows.
2 Salamanders.
1 Stegadon.
5 Terradons.

On the lizardmen's side of the battle were some ruins to the left, then, coming right, a fence, a watchtower, and a large hill. The terradons set up in the ruins, one skink unit behing the fence with the stegadon nearby, and another skink unit on the hill. The saurus regiments, the slann, and the cold ones were set up between the watchtower and the fences. One Salamander set up in the upper floors of the ruins, and the other was on the watchtower with the shaman. On the elven side of the battlefield was alowe hill and a swamp, then some walls, then another hill and an area of buildings. The archers set up on the hill and by the walls, with one of the bolt throwers. The silver helms set up by the swamp and Antanar and the chariots set up between the walls and the other hill. The other hill had the eagles and the other bolt thrower on it, and the reavers set up to the right of the buildings. The spearmen set up between the hill and the buildings, and the mage was with the archers behind the wall.
The game started with the reavers declaring a charge on the skinks on the hill. The charge failed, and brave horsemen were left in the field of fire. The spearmen and the chariots advanced forward, and the silver helms slowed down so they could keep up. The eagles swooped over to the buildings, ready to aid the reavers if they needed it, and the archers on the far hill moved forward slightly to get into range. The rest of the archers, bolt throwers, and the mage stayed put. The magic started exceptionally well, with the mage destroying the salamander in the ruin with his conflagaration of doom (here I managed to roll a triple six)! They kept on burning, slaying two of the skink runners before the fire went out. The bolt throwers let rip, leaving one cold one rider and one saurus warrior lying on the ground with immense bolts protuding from their chests. The archers behind the wall fired at the Stegadon hoping to slay some of the skink crew, but all the shafts bounced harmlessly off the armoured beast's hide. The charioteers drew back their bowstrings and fired at the cold one riders, but failed to casue any damage.
The Lizardmen stayed put, hoping to charge the elves on the next turn. The skink shaman summoned his powers and cast the second sign of Amul. The elven mage stored his dispels for the big spell he knew was coming. The slann then cast the comet of Cassondora, but the elven mage succesfully dispelled it with his dispel scroll. With a few power dice left, the slann cast another second sign of Amul with a double six. The skinks on the hill opened fire at the oncoming reavers, but failed to do any damage. The skinks on the stegadon fired their great bow at the silver helms, but missed completely. The skinks behind the fences shot at the silver helms, only to find they were just out of range. The salamander in the tower spat forth his corrosive venom at the spearmen, burning to of them to death with disgusting acid.
This time the reavers charge succeeded, and they smashed into the skinks with the help of the great eagles Stormtalon and Thunderwing. The Silver helms, chariots, and spearmen continued their constant march forward. The mage attempted to cast the Conflagaration of Doom again, obly to have it dispelled by the slann. Again, more saurus warriors and another cold one fell to the deadly shafts of death shot from the bolt throwers. The archers fired at the saurus, but their tough skin saved their lives. The other archers shot at the stegadon again, but to no effect. Once more the chariot's arrows caused no damage on the cold ones. In combat, the reavers skewered four skinks on their cavalry spears, and three more were torn limb from limb by the vicous great eagles. The skinks struck back, casuing no damage to the reavers, but leaving the eagle Thunderwing unable to fight for the rest of the battle. The lizardmen lost the combat, but held.
The turn started with the cold ones passing their stupidity test and charging the charioteers, and the saurus regiments advancing, protecting their master, the slann. Again the skink shaman cast the second sign of Amul. The comet of Cassandora is cast on the bolt thrower, and the slanns second sign is dispelled by the mage. The salamander spat at the spearmen, missing them and narrowly avoiding hitting the main combat between the chariots and cold ones. The terradon riders, stegadon crew and great bow, and the skinks behind the fences all fired at the silver helms, but amazingly not one of the proud elven knights was hurt. In combat, the skink hero damaged one of the chariots, but his followers caused no further damage. Antanar lashed out with his spear Cloudcleaver, leaving one cold one and its rider lying in their own cold blood. His followers fought with equal feroucity, killing four of the flesh eating monsters. The reavers and the remaining eagle Stormtalon slew four more skinks, but Stormatlon was slain by a curved dagger between the ribs. All the units held, with one chariot lapping around the surviving cold one rider.
The comet above the bolt thrower expanded ready to crush them to a pulp if it landed. The silver helms charged one flank of the saurus regiments, and the spearmen, led by the white lion commander, charged the other. Aethenor the army standard bearer moved into range with his banner incase any of the elven units might break. The conflagaration of doom was dispelled by the slann, but the mage then cast fireball at the skinks, killing five of them. The bolt throwers let rip, wounding the salamander and the stegadon, and they were followed by the archers who slew a skink stegadon rider and four more skink warriors. Ascarnil smashed into the saurus's side with his woodsmans greataxe, decapicating five of the hulking beasts (white lion's axes cause D3 wounds per wounding hit). This left the spearmen in contact with no saurus, so they could not attack. The silver helms attemted to peirce the saurus left flank, but the reptilian warrior's high armour save got the better of them. Antanar lunged at the remaining cold one rider hero, cleaving him in half with his enchanted spear blade. The reavers failed to kill any skinks, and visa versa. However the saurus regiments lost the combat horribly. One unit fled off the board, but the other unit was not so quick and were cut down by the silver helms knights.
The comet landed, destroying one of the bolt throwers and half the archers. Despite this, the lizardman general could see no chance of reclaiming defeat, and lost his honour as he admitted defeat and crept back to lick his wounds.
The high elves had won the battle, but both eagles were slain, and so had a bolt thrower, along with the odd reaver knight, charioteer, spearman, and archer. But the lizardmen had suffered much greater losses, which lost them the battle in the end. This is the first battle i've actually fourght when i've destroyed all of David's saurus warriors, so I am proud of my victory. I think my opponent forgot about his terradons lurking behind the ruins, as if he used them propably it could of won him the battle. The same goes for his stegadon, who just never had a good enough chance to charge (even the silver helms happilt trotted past him at one point). But the medals have to go to my mage, who blasted a salamander (possibly the thing im most scared of, they can be devasting against silver helms and chariots) to smithereens on the first turn, and my commander who single handedly took on and anhialted five tough saurus warriors before they could strike back. This commander has won me many a battle. I recall one time when he destroyed a unit of dwarf crossbowmen, the cannon crew, and a unit of dwarf greatxes in just two turns (with a little help from his spearman bodyguard), and another time whe he challenged and cleaved the skull of a dwarf thane before the long beared fool could strike out with his hammer! When taking 2'000 points, my army can be very effective, but in smaller battles its another story...
Thandol looked out across the plain to the reptilian war host opposing him. Under his saddle, his dragon Fangwing clawed the ground, eager to get to grips with the Lizardmen. Thandol stroked his neck soothingly. Soon, he whispered, soon, you will taste cold meat again.
Lord Thandol's Elven retinue (2000 point High Elf army)
Thandol Dragontamer - Elf Prince with heavy armour riding a dragon and carrying the Star Lance.
Cerion the Wise - Level 1 elven mage with a dispel scroll.
Ibnèthe Swiftback - Commander with heavy armour, biting blade and shield riding a chariot.
Shore Riders - 6 Ellyrian Reavers with command group.
Diamond Lances - 7 Silver Helms with command group.
1 Tiranoc Chariot.
2 RBTs.
12 archers with command.
2 Great Eagles.
25 spearmen.
Oatill Wurrm and his cold-blooded slayers (2000 point Lizardman army)
Level 3 slann with a bunch of magic items.
Skink hero on a cold one.
Level 1 skink shaman.
14 Saurus
14 Saurus
16 Skinks
16 Skinks
5 Cold Ones
1 Stegadon
5 Terradons
2 Salamanders
The Reavers set up in a village to the west side of the battlefield, next to the silver helms, and the dragon set up between the silver helms and a hill with the archers and bolt throwers on it. The chariots set up either side of the hill with the eagles, and the spearmen set up between a rocky crag and the commander. The Terradons, a skink unit, a salamander and the slann set up behind a fence facing the reavers, and the saurus units and the cold ones held the centre of the lizardman battle line. The remaining salamander, the other skinks, and the shaman set up on the castle walls to the east, and the stegadon was between the walls and the saurus units.
The High Elf turn started with the Prince on his Dragon and the Silver helms marching forward. I knew the slann had the spell "master of stone", so my spearmen and the chariot with the commander moved as far away from the crag as possible in front of the hill. The other chariot trundled forward, and the eagles swooped in front of the hill to shield the archers from attack. The mage attempted to cast "Blinding Light" on the sauruss, but the Slann easily dispelled it.. The bolt throwers let rip, leaving one cold one dead and the steagdon wounded. The archers followed their example, killing off another Cold One. The commander and charioteers fired at the cold ones with their longbows, leaving another one unable to take part in the battle any more.
The Lizardman army held, waiting for the Elves to charge so their pincer movemnet would come into play. The skink shaman cast portent of far on the skink unit, but both the slanns spells, "mistress of the marsh" and "master of stone", were dispelled by the puny level 1 elf mage! The Stegadon's great bow and the salamander in the tower fired at the spearmen, but both shots missed. However, the skinks behind the wall were more lucky, managing to fell four of the Ellyrian Reavers! The skinks riding the Terradons threw javelins at the remaining two, slaying them instantly. Seeing their fellow horsemen succumb to the lizardman missile fire, the Silver Helms regiment lost geart and fled! The other salamander fired at the dragon, but missed completely.
The Elf Turn started with the Silver Helms regaining hope and rallying, then the Prince on the Dragon charged the closest target, a saurus unit. The spearmen, the eagles, and the chariots all moved towards the enemy as quickly as possible. The mage attempted to cast blinding light, but at the last moment the powers of magic abandoned him. The bolt throwers, seeing the cold ones about to charge their lord in the flank, opened fire, killing off the last of the lumbering beasts along with their leader. The Archers opened fire again, picking off another saurus. In hand-to-hand combat, Thandol peirced three sauruss in turn on his diamond lance tip. However this left none of the beasts in combat with his dragon, who couldn't attack this turn. The Saurus lost the combat, but held.
The Terradon's charged Thandol in the flank, and the other Sauruss marched towards the elf prince. This was going to be a close combat. The shaman cast the second sign of Amul. The Slann attemted to cast the Master of Stone, but got a double one, the spell had miscast. The Salamander spat his venom at the spearmen, killing three of them. The other Salamander fired at the Silver Helms, but all three of the to wound dice came up 1s, and the elven knights were unhurt. The skink archers opened fire at the eagles, wounding one of them. The Terradons attacked the elf prince, wounding him. The power of his lance gone, Thandol only managed to wound one of the Terradons. The dragon leapt at the Saurus tearing two apart in his monstrous hands. The saurus fought back, but failed to cause any damage. The Prince had lost the combat, but just managed to hold.
The commander in his chariot and the spearmen charged the unengaged Saurus unit in the flank, and the Silver Helms along with the Great Eagles charged the Terradons in the flank. The other chariot charged the engaged Saurus unit. The mage attempted the blinding light again, only to have it dispelled once more. The bolt throwers fired at the Stegadon, slaying three of its skink riders, and then the archers fired at the same target, inflicting a further wound on the great beast. In combat, two saurus were crushed under the chariot's scythed wheels, and then the Commander lashed out with his sword, beheading one in one swift stroke. The spearmen's set spears managed to fell another of the cold-blooded villans. The Eagles and the Silver Helms felled 2 Terradons in their charge and wounded another, while Thandol dropped his lance and gutted two more saurus with his elven longsword. The dragon crushed three saurus under his stamping feet, but one of the eagles was slain by the surviving terradons. Both the Saurus units and the Terradons fled off the board, the Elves hot in pursuit.
With all lost, the Slann Mage Priest ordered his army to retreat. Losing his dignity, the bloated toad like creature ordered his saurus bearers to carry him as far away as possible from the rampaging dragon cutting a swathe through his soldiers to get to him.
Thandol's spurred boots tapped Fangwing's sides, and the dragon sped off into the Saurus ranks. The dragon leapt into the fray, his flayling tail and crushing claws slaying everything which came within reach. Thandol slashed out almost lazily at the scaled vermin which had escaped his steed, and he saw the chariots and eagles, led by commander Ibnèthe, join the fray. There was much more blood to be shed tonight, thought Thandol, and it wouldn't be warm blood if he could help it.