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The High Elves


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Collecting a High Elf army

NEW SPECIAL CHARACTER: Antanar Swiftbreeze
Today Tiranoc id a much reduced land, its fertile plains lie under water, and its people are fewer in number than in former times. Yet they are still an adventurous race, proud of their fighting traditions, and deeply embitted by the wars that have ravaged their realm. Tiranoc nobles still fight from swift chariots, just as their forefathers did in the days of Aenarion. When Dark Elf armies thrust southwards through Tiranoc they are harried by charioteers and denied the chance to forage and gather supplies. Many a Dark Elf raiding force has been hounded into extinction by the brave warriors of Tiranoc.
Antanar Swiftbreeze is one of the last surviving Princes of Tiranoc, and ever since he returned home to find his father slain by Dark Elf corsairs, he has held a bitter hatred towards Dark Elves.
Prince Antanar Swiftbreeze.........323 points
Antanar counts as a Lord choice and a Special choice. He rides in a Tiranoc chariot drawn by two elven steeds. The chariot is complete with a standard. Antanar rides alone.
Equipment: The Singing Spear, the Eagle Helm, heavy armour, longbow, and a shield.
Save: 2+ for Antanar, 4+ Special, and 5+ for the chariot.
The Singing Spear
The Singing Spear gives Antanar D3 extra attacks on the turn that he charges. Note that just Antanar gets these attacks, not the chariot or the steeds.
The Eagle Helm
The Eagle Helm is a sign of Antanar's ranking as a Prince of Tiranoc. The High Prince of Tiranoc wears an Eagle Helm which has a crest which is almost six feet high. The Eagle Helm gives Antanar a special 4+ save. Note that just Antanar gets this save, the chariot doesn't.
SPECIAL RULE: Expert Charioteer
The skill of which Antanar rides his chariot is so great that he may ride through difficult terrain, dodging rocks and boulders with ease. To represent this, the number of hits Antanar and his chariot suffers due to moving over difficult terrain is reduced by one.

New troop type: Cothique Sea Hunters
The Realm of Cothique has rocky coasts and treacherous seas, so it comes as no surprise that its inhabitants are all skilled seafarers. In the coastal seas half the elven warriors are at sea at ant time, while the other half are at home guarding the coasts. Elves whose families come from Cothique can be found in all the great elven colonies overseas. The warriors are also sailors who spend much of their time at sea and fight most of their battles against seaborne enemies and raiders. Encounters with sea monsters are a regular part of a warriors life, and some wear cloaks made from the hides of these creatures or armour styled in the fashion of sea serpent heads. Armour is often tinted with shades of blue or green.
SPECIAL CHOICE: Cothique Sea Hunters
13 points per model
Your army may include up to one unit of Cothique Sea Hunters.
Unit Size: 10-20
___________M WS BS S T W I A LD
Sea Hunter 5 5 4 3 3 1 6 1 8
Champion 5 5 4 3 3 1 6 2 8
Equipment: Sea Hunters are armed with hand weapons, and wear light armour and sea dragon cloaks.
Options: May have aditional hand weapon (+1 point), heavy armour instead of light armour (+1 point), or shields (+1 point).
Special Rules: Sea Hunters are skilled in fighting sea monsters and other large creatures. To represent this, each wound inflicted on a creature which is classified as a large monsters causes D3 wounds instead of 1.

New Troop Type: Hunters of Chrace
Chrace is a mountainous and forested region. The inhabitants are all renowned as skilled hunters. Warriors often wear furs and animal pelts over their armour as cloaks or decorative collars, and are expert scouts and skilled with the bow and the axe.
RARE CHOICE: Hunters of Chrace
15 points per model
Your army may include up to one unit of Chracian Hunters.
_________M WS BS S T W I A LD
Hunters 5 5 4 3 3 1 5 1 8
Champion 5 5 4 3 3 1 5 2 8
Unit Size: 5+
Equipment: Longbows, hand weapons, light armour and animal pelts (+1 save against shooting attacks).
Options: May have Greataxes (+2 points), throwing axes (+3 points), or heavy armour instead of light armour (+1 point).
Special Rules: Hunters of Chrace are Scouts, Skirmishers, and Woodsmen (no penalty for moving through woods).

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