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Antanar's Book of Tactics

The Battle Report Archive

The High Elves


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Unoffical Information

Collecting a High Elf army

The High Elves
The High Elves are a wise and aincent race, whose chronicles date back to when the world was young. Their deeds and acheivments were legend before the tribes of man ever arose to power in the Old World. Proud of their noble heritage, the High Elves are a graceful and cultured people, yet unflinching in battle. They are masters of arms and the secret of High Magic, and once aroused, their wrath is terrible to behold. From their island home of Ulthuan, they ply the seas, trading with younger nations and defending their homeland from assault. No enemy has breached the gates of Lothern, the most fabulous city in the world, and few have trespassed into the secret interior of Ulthuan - and lived to tell the tale.
Dwarf Army Book, Dwarf Regiment Set, Mountain Stronghold, Dwarf Cannon.
Savage Orc Shaman, Savage Orc Boar Boyz, Dwarf Ironbreakers, Dwarf Engineer, "Beast Slayer"- a Felix and Gotrek Novel, "The Gothic and the Eldritch" by Jes Goodwin.
Dwarf Flame Cannon, Dwarf King Alric, "Gilead's Blood"- a Warhammer Novel.
Vampire Counts Army Book, Blood Dragon Vampires, Lahmian Vampires, Strigoi Vampires, Winged Nightmare, Grave Guard, Undead Graveyard.
Latest Update
27-3-01 Pages are changed around, Army page is removed, as is contact and about, and the tactics page becomes a Book of Tactics.
30-3-01 The book of tactics is updated, a visitor counter is added, as is a link to wargamescampaign.com, and I update the home page.
31-3-01 "The High Elves" page is updated, and so is the Book of Tactics. I add an "unofficial informaton" page, with rules for an Elf Prince of Tiranoc, and the terrain page is replaced by a "miscelaneous" page.
1-4-01 I add rules for Cothique Sea Hunters, and update the book of tactics.
The Unofficial information for the Prince of Tiranoc is turned into a special charcter, Antanar Swiftbreeze.

If you want to send me any battle reports, tactics articles, stories, army lists, or anything else, click on the link below to contact me.

Visitor Counter
Every time someone visits this homepage they will be entered in this visitor counter. It is new, so it won't have the complete tally.

Latest Link
Wargamecampaign.com. This is an outstanding site where you can run a cmapaign from your computer. The site will keep record of your wins, loses, teritory, and gold. All you have to do is fight the battles. You can choose how you want your campaign built, so you get to choose things such as what sized armies to use, how much gold you start with, etc. This is just warhammer taken one step further, so you don't just fight battles, you manage your army, build empires, and conquer your opponents.
Click here to view the site...